Enjoying the things I don't actually do.

27 August 2010


{and I don't mean the Jolie picture.}

This may be controversial, but I love salt. I'm trying to learn the delicate differences in the varies of sea salts. I bought some yummy lemon salt at Cost Plus and oh man... roasted asparagus with that lemon salt and woo hoooo, are you in for a treat.

Have you ever tried Salted Caramel? If you haven't tried it yet might I humbly suggest you get in touch with C Salt Gourmet. Quickly.

It's the perfect treat for yours truly. The salt/sweet combination is so wonderful. And you know, the old stand-by of chocolate covered pretzels will never let you down.

I really love pink salt, but to be honest, it's because it's pink. I'd like to learn more about the nuances of different salts - do you have any information for me?

This assortment is cool, a good way to just to tasting and experimenting.

So, since I'm all into salt. I'm looking for the perfect salt cellar. I try to buy handmade, local, eco, (insert-other-good-things), thus - thought I'd find one on etsy.

Page Pottery has a cute turquoise, rustic one.

This wood piece by Richard Altenhofen is beautiful, too. It is lidded, functional, and attractive, a bit more modern, so it's in the running, as well.

The modern feel of this set by rae dunn would definately fit Mark's aesthetic and mine, and since we both cook equally and both enjoy it, it'd be nice to have us both represented in our salt cellar.

Hark! I find:
in the paulova shop, this fits the bill. I can even color-code my salts! An organizational dream!

I'll keep you posted on my progress, I know you'll be dying to know!

By the way, which do you like, or do you have other suggestions? Any favorite salts I should try out?

1 comment:

  1. I would definitly go for the Rae Dunn one's, they're beautiful! Did you know Olive at 2nd street has a lot of different sea-salts, very yummie.
